Nice to meet you

Having juggled a career, chronic pain, parental abandonment, anxiety, loss and bring up a family, I understand how challenging life can be. Often your own wellbeing can be ignored until your body and/or mind forces you to stop and listen. I’ve learnt (perhaps the hard way) that we need to face our fears, listen to our emotions, set boundaries, stop getting pulled into negative thinking and keep your focus on what you want to get out of life.

The mind and body is one system - you cannot treat them separately. It is an intricate system that looks to both heal and protect us. Adverse childhood experiences, stress and trauma causes many of us to have a disregulated nervous system. Anxiety is ever increasing; and many 'conditions' and 'syndromes' are an adaptation response seeking to meet a need eg. addictions are often our way of coping with stress, a means to get a dopamine hit and/or a form of avoidance. Anxiety occurs when our stressed out amygdala and mind-body system is stuck on high alert. None of us are broken or need fixing. We just need some help to lead our mind-body back to harmony.

Whether it's managing stress, depression, anxiety, chronic pain, or promoting overall mind-body wellness, I offer a personalised and evidence-based path towards treating the root cause of your issues so you are free to lead the healthy and happy life you deserve.

Don't let your past difficulties limit you - you have so much more potential within you and life if too short to be wasted. Decide that today is the day to make a new start. Start dreaming about what you want to get out of life, make that first step and seek out what you desire because life does not come to you!

Give me a call/email me or book in a discovery call to see how I can help you on the road to a life that is more you, more joyfull and more fullfilling!

hypnotherpy Surrey
hypnotherpy Surrey
Do not judge me by my success, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.”
― Nelson Mandela

My Journey to Heal from Chronic Pain

I overcame over 25 years of chronic pain after realising my pain conditions (diagnosed as due to physical abnormalities) were in fact due to neuropathic pathways in the brain. Cutting edge science has proven this neuropathic pain is the most common cause of chronic pain. Despite this, the main stream medical system ignores this and hence the outlook for most people with chronic pain is bleak.

Most chronic pain is caused by a combination of stress, trauma, Adverse Chilhood Events (ACEs), fear and preocupation with symptoms. This approach helped free me of pain and I have since trained (with SIRPA) to support and advise others with chronic pain and other stress induced symptoms.

Learn more about my chronic pain on my blog and on my other website.

Effective tools



Mindfulness is about being fully aware of whatever is happening in the present moment, without filters or the lens of judgement.

Mindfulness techniques can help you to turn towards and respond to emotions, negative thoughts and sensations in a more helpful way.

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

How you think, feel and behave affect each other. In CBT we create change by changing the way you think and behave to help change how you feel.

Psychological tools

I keep abreast of recent research surrounding Psychology and also general wellbeing, so I can apply effective tools to help you change.


In hypnotherapy we use Hypnosis to access the subconsious mind and to bring about change. There are different approaches to hypnotherapy and you can learn more about my approach here.

Life long learning


MSc Health Psychology

BSc (Hons) Psychology and Sociology

Hypnotherapy Diploma / HPD

Mindfulness Teacher Training - Level 2

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

Diploma in NLP

SIRPA Informed Professional (Stress Illness Recovery Practitioners’ Association)



I specialise in stress and anxiety; and mind-body issues such as Mind-Body Syndrome (MBS/PPD/TMS*) or chronic pain conditions.
*see for further information on chronic pain/ MBS/ TMS/ PPD
Stress Hypnotherapy
Stress Hypnotherapy
Pain therapy
Pain therapy
Currently Studying
Embodied Processing (The Centre for Healing) - Somatic therapy

chronic pain treatment
chronic pain treatment

SIRPA Informed Professional

person's hand on MacBook near iPhone flat lay photography
person's hand on MacBook near iPhone flat lay photography

Have any questions?

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me

Anxiety /Bereavement

"Maria, thank you so much for all your support over recent months; our sessions were such a comfort to me during a very anxious and stressful period and it was a relief to be able to talk to such a caring person who could offer such constructive advice! The hypnotherapy sessions eased my anxiety considerably and I now feel much more in control." (Client JD)

Sleep Problems

"thank you so much Maria. I'm sleeping so much better now after my session with you. hypnotherapy was obviously the answer to my problems. Maria really put my mind at rest and made me feel very relaxed about the whole thing. I have been sleeping really well now, which has made such a difference to my life. I can't tell you how thankful I am to get my life back!" (client MW)

Happy clients



I underwent a course of hypnotherapy with Maria to overcome the anxiety I had in doing business presentations, and I must say I'm very impressed with the results. After only 3 sessions I noticed a significant reduction in my anxiety levels and now take on presentations with much more confidence. I would not hesitate to recommend Maria's hypnotherapy treatments

Stop Smoking:

"Well, it's a month ago today, and not only have I not smoked in that time, I haven't had the slightest desire to do so. Many, many thanks indeed. This is the longest I've ever gone without a cigarette and unlike previous attempts, giving up has been completely stress-free. I'm amazed at how effective the hypnotherapy has been and eternally grateful to you for helping me change my life for the better."

"Having been a smoker for 20 years and tried various techniques (patches, gum, etc.) I thought I would give Hypnotherapy a go. I must admit I was a bit of cynic before my meeting with Maria. In a very relaxed environment Maria talked me through the pros (not many) and cons (many) of smoking. Ten months later I am still not smoking thanks Maria.."

Depression And Anxiety:

“Massive thanks to you for helping me get my life on track. You have made an enormous difference to me - in how I am and how I relate to others. Thank you so very much."

Flying phobia:

“Excellent, treated me for my flying phobia. Had a much more comfortable flying experience afterwards. Highly recommended”